Get the right answer for your business

Savings in time and cost you do not want your competition to enjoy before you do!

Test Drive / Demo your Vuzix options today!
Expand Reality Test Drive Magic Leap 2 and Vuzix M400

Book a test drive or demo and identify the right Vuzix solution for your business. 

See the 6 questions below we'll get to the bottom of in our test drive session.

6 Reasons to test drive expand reality solutions from Vuzix

Identify the Use Case for expanded reality

Answer the basic questions like:

What am I trying to re-engineer?

How have others done that?

Am I breaking new ground? 

Am I treading a well trodden pathway?

What solutions did they use?

What problems did they solve? 

Identify the budget required to change

Which is the best hardware solution for my use case?

How much is the hardware solution?

Do I need software to access the hardware remotely?

How much does that cost?

Do I need Data to be visualised whilst using the expanded reality hardware?

- Documents to refer to?

- Training to refer to?

- Designs to refer to?

Which Hardware solution works for my use case?

Do I need HoloLens or Magic Leap at $3-4k each?

Can a Vuzix M400 work at $2500?

What do I sacrifice by looking at cheaper options?

Are those sacrifices important to my use case?

What's the expanded reality solution cost?

How much $/£ do I need to prove the use case?

How does that stack against the savings? 

What productivity gains or savings can I realise in the Use Case?

Can I make my senior engineers 10X more productive?

Can I take on more work with higher productivity?

What savings am I going to make in travel costs?

How big are those savings?



What is my Expanded reality Return on Investment?

I'm going to spend $7,000 on three Vuzix M400's

However, I'm going to cut 3 people travelling 5 days a week 48 weeks a year at $250 a day per person. (£1250 per person per week, times 3 people , times 48 weeks)

So I'm spending $7,000 to save $180,000?

So I've paid back the investment in 2 weeks?

Whose not going to sign that off? 



Useful links Case Studies, ROI, Manufacturers Information Centre, Vuzix and Augmented Reality

Vuzix M400 / M4000 Demo

The Benefits of a Vuzix Demo or Test Drive

The Benefits of a Vuzix M400 or M4000 test drive are huge from:-

  • One of the key advantages of taking a Vuzix M400 or M4000 test drive is the ability to identify the right use case for these innovative devices. By exploring and understanding the specific needs and requirements of your business or industry, you can determine the most effective and impactful ways to integrate this technology. Whether it's enhancing employee training programs, streamlining warehouse operations, or improving remote collaboration, the Vuzix M400 or M4000 can be tailored to suit a wide range of use cases. This careful identification process ensures that you make the most of the advanced features and functionalities offered by these devices, maximizing their potential to transform your operations and drive success. 
  • Identifying the right hardware and software solutions is a crucial step in harnessing the full potential of the Vuzix M400 or M4000 test drive. With a wide array of options available, it is essential to carefully evaluate and select the most suitable tools for your specific needs. By conducting a thorough analysis of your business requirements, you can determine the perfect combination of hardware and software that will seamlessly integrate with your existing systems and workflows. This meticulous selection process ensures that you not only optimize the performance of the Vuzix devices but also enhance the overall efficiency and productivity of your operations. With the right hardware and software solutions in place, you can unlock a world of possibilities and take full advantage of the transformative capabilities of the Vuzix M400 or M4000.
  • Identifying the cost of that solution is a crucial aspect of leveraging the full potential of the Vuzix M400 or M4000 test drive. By understanding the financial implications and return on investment, you can make informed decisions that align with your business goals. Evaluating the cost of implementation, training, and maintenance allows you to accurately assess the value proposition of these innovative devices. Furthermore, by quantifying the potential productivity gains and cost savings, you can present a compelling business case to stakeholders and secure the necessary resources for successful integration. Investing in the right solution not only ensures optimal performance but also enables you to achieve significant long-term benefits in terms of efficiency, profitability, and competitive advantage.
  • Laying out the productivity and cost saving benefits is essential to fully understand the immense value that a Vuzix M400 or M4000 test drive can bring to your business. By carefully analyzing and presenting the advantages of these innovative devices, you can showcase how they can revolutionize your operations and drive success.

    First and foremost, the productivity benefits of the Vuzix M400 or M4000 are truly game-changing. With their advanced features and functionalities, these devices have the power to enhance employee training programs, streamline warehouse operations, and improve remote collaboration. By integrating this technology into your workflows, you can empower your workforce to work more efficiently and effectively, resulting in increased productivity levels across the board. Tasks that once took hours can now be completed in a fraction of the time, allowing your team to focus on more critical and strategic initiatives.

    In addition to boosting productivity, the Vuzix M400 or M4000 also offer significant cost-saving benefits. By utilizing these devices, you can optimize your operations, minimize errors, and reduce unnecessary expenses. For example, in warehouse operations, the devices can help streamline inventory management, enabling you to track and locate items more accurately. This not only saves time but also reduces the risk of stockouts or overstocking, ultimately leading to cost savings. Moreover, the devices can enhance remote collaboration, eliminating the need for costly travel expenses and enabling teams to connect seamlessly from anywhere in the world.

    When laying out the productivity and cost-saving benefits, it's crucial to demonstrate the long-term impact as well. By investing in the right solution, you not only achieve immediate gains but also set your business up for long-term success. The enhanced efficiency and streamlined workflows afforded by the Vuzix M400 or M4000 can drive profitability and give you a competitive advantage in your industry. Moreover, by quantifying the potential productivity gains and cost savings, you can present a compelling business case to stakeholders, ensuring the necessary resources for successful integration.

    Laying out the productivity and cost-saving benefits of a Vuzix M400 or M4000 test drive is crucial in showcasing the transformative capabilities of these devices. By harnessing their advanced features, you can unlock a world of possibilities, optimize your operations, and achieve significant long-term benefits in terms of efficiency, profitability, and competitive advantage. It's time to take advantage of the immense value that the Vuzix M400 or M4000 can bring to your business and propel it towards unprecedented success.

    The Return on Investment (ROI) and Payback Periods are crucial factors to consider when evaluating the value of a Vuzix M400 or M4000 test drive. Understanding the financial implications and potential returns can help you make informed decisions that align with your business goals.

    Firstly, let's dive into the concept of ROI. The ROI represents the profitability of an investment and measures the return generated relative to the initial investment cost. By calculating the ROI of implementing Vuzix M400 or M4000 devices, you can assess the financial impact they will have on your operations. This calculation takes into account factors such as increased productivity, cost savings, and revenue growth. With the right hardware and software solutions in place, you can expect a significant ROI that justifies the investment.

    Furthermore, the Payback Period is another important metric to consider. It represents the length of time it takes for the initial investment to be recouped through the generated returns. By analyzing the Payback Period of integrating Vuzix M400 or M4000 devices, you can gauge how quickly you will start reaping the benefits. The shorter the Payback Period, the faster you will see a positive return on your investment. This allows you to allocate resources more efficiently and make strategic decisions based on the expected time frame for recouping costs.

    When presenting the ROI and Payback Periods to stakeholders, it's essential to highlight the tangible benefits that contribute to these metrics. For instance, increased productivity resulting from streamlined workflows and improved employee training programs can directly impact the ROI. Additionally, cost savings achieved through optimized warehouse operations and reduced travel expenses contribute to a shorter Payback Period.

    It's important to note that the ROI and Payback Periods can vary depending on your specific business needs and industry. Conducting a thorough analysis of your operations and estimating the potential financial gains will provide a realistic assessment of what to expect. By presenting these figures to stakeholders, you can demonstrate the financial viability and attractiveness of a Vuzix M400 or M4000 test drive.

    In conclusion, understanding the Return on Investment and Payback Periods associated with the implementation of Vuzix M400 or M4000 devices is crucial for making informed decisions and securing the necessary resources. By calculating the ROI and estimating the Payback Period, you can showcase the financial benefits that these devices bring to your business. With the potential for increased productivity, cost savings, and revenue growth, a Vuzix M400 or M4000 test drive offers a compelling value proposition that can drive success and profitability in the long term.

    Useful Vuzix Links