Magic Leap 2, HoloLens 2 and Augmented Reality explained.
Learn about Augmented Reality, how others have applied it and the market leading solutions.
Magic Leap 2 product comparison with HoloLens, Case Studies, Use Case Videos, specification sheets, product videos - Click Here

This page introduces you to Magic Leap 2, HoloLens, the differences, the case studies and guides you through FAQ's.
Lockheed Martin Case Study HoloLens
Mercedes Benz HoloLens Case Study
PBC Linear Magic Leap Case Study
Augmented Reality V Assisted Reality what are the differences?
Magic Leap 2 V HoloLens
Product Sheet
FAQ's Downloadable PDF
FAQ's Webpage
Magic Leap Information Centre
Magic Leap Key Features
Book a Magic Leap Test Drive
Magic Leap 2 V HoloLens 2 Blog
Mercedes Central Technical Support Case Study
Magic Leap 2 Field Of View v HoloLens 2 and Realwear Navigator 500
90% Training Savings using Magic Leap 2 Case Study
HoloLens Case Study cutting production task time on the Orion Rocket by 90.7%
Lockheed Martin save 90.6% of technicians time building Nasa's Orion Rocket
The Old Model
The New Model
Error Reduction
Mercedes Benz HoloLens Case Study - 80% Time Saved
The Challenge
Old Systems we used
New System
Communication Upgrade
PBC Magic Leap 2 Case Study - 97% reduction in training times.
6 weeks training delivered in 1 day!
97% of training time saved.
$5,760 saving in onboarding costs per new machinist.
$7,200 saving in experienced machinist time per new machinist employee.
$6,080 savings on training manager time per new machinist.
Total savings $19,040 per machinist.
Payback on Magic Leap investment 5.7 x
20% reduction in manufacturing cost delivered as a result of less scrap/wastage and error reduction.
- Watch the PBC Linear Case Study Video
Medical Uses Cases
At Heru they have developed a platform using Magic Leap 2 that helps early detection of eye diseases and disorders.
Heru - The Future of Vision Care from Heru on Vimeo.
The short Video Takes you through how fast detection is possible for millions that suffer with healthcare disorders.
Augmented Reality vs Virtual Reality, the key differences.
1. Definition and Core Concept
Augmented Reality (AR)
Virtual Reality (VR)
2. Hardware differences
Augmented Reality (AR):
Virtual Reality Hardware
3. User Interaction
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
4. Applications
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
5. Immersiveness
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
6. Use Cases
Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality
Magic Leap 2 vs HoloLens 2: Exploring the Differences in Augmented Reality
1. Hardware differences
Magic Leap 2:
HoloLens 2 Headset weight 566g
Magic Leap 2 Headset Weight 260g
Field of View HoloLens 2 - diagonal 52 degrees
Field of View Magic Leap 2 - diagonal 70 Degrees
HoloLens 2:
2. Display
Magic Leap 2:
HoloLens 2:
3. Applications and available content
Magic Leap 2:
Magic Leap 2 Appstore
HoloLens Appstore
4. Performance and Comfort
Magic Leap 2:
Magic Leap 2 V HoloLens 2 Blog
Book a Magic Leap 2 Test Drive
Use case fit
Wearability & fit
Handsfree use and its importance
Appstore suitability
Budget fit
Savings projections and ROI
Magic Leap Key Features
Field of View
Dimmable Technology
Eye Camera Tracking
High Compute Power
Multiple Input Options
Spatial Audio
Prescription Lense Inserts
Field of View
See The Field of View Video Here showing Magic Leap 2 v Hololens 2 and Realwear Navigator 2.
Magic Leap raise $590M
Magic Leap Raise $590M to scale adoption in the precision Enterprise space - blog
Magic Leap Useful Links -What you should know
- Magic Leap 2 Regulatory / Operating Environments
- Magic Leap 2 Download Centre
- Magic Leap 2, HoloLens 2 and Augmented Reality explained.
- Magic Leap 2 FAQ's
- Magic Leap 2 vs Microsoft HoloLens 2 - Field of View Video
- Magic Leap 2 and SentiAR 3D Visualisation Software
- Magic Leap 2 - Developers Guide
- Magic Leap Use Cases
- Magic Leap 2 Case Studies
- 3 exciting use cases for Magic Leap 2
- Magic Leap , Siemens and the Javits Centre
- Magic Leap 2 and Manufacturing Training with Manifest Software.
- Magic Leap 2 Medical Holodeck - Training and Operating Use Cases
- Magic Leap 2 and Healthcare
Magic Leap 2 - 42 FAQ's (pdf)
Magic Leap FAQ's Page
Magic Leap Information Centre
Book a Magic Leap Test Drive
Access Augmented Reality Tools from Teams, Google Meet, Video equipment.
Expand Reality have a sister company that offers subscriptions that let you access the Magic Leap, HoloLens, Vuzix and many more hardware devices from these enterprise video platforms.