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Engineering Use Case Guide 

Videos and PDF's of Augmented Reality and Assisted Reality Solutions

Engineering Use Cases

In this page we help you look at Use Cases a different way, we look at the type of technology that works to deliver:

  • Engineering use cases in Asset design and visualisation with Magic Leap 2 and Workshop and sphere software in the Lowes stores Digital twin example.
  • We look at Engineering Use case in maintenance repair and operations, with the Vuzix M400 and Realwear Navigator 500, using a remote expert approach adding Simplyvideo's XRConnect powershell to bring the assisted reality smart glasses into teams or Google meet meetings.
  • We look at Engineering training use cases using Magic Leap 2 the Vuzix M400 and Quest devices. The Software used is Simply Video XRconnect to bring in experts, or trainers and Stage Software.
  • We look at Engineering IoT visualisation use cases with Magic Leap 2 and Akular software to aid 3D visualisation.     
  • We look at TD Williamson and pipeline engineering use cases involving their remote customers, remote experts guiding field technicians and mechanics and field based engineers consulting each other across continents. The savings run into 10's of thousands of dollars using Realwear Navigator 500 smart glasses and Simply Video XRconnect's powershell, to bring attendees into the smart glasses in standard teams and Google Meet sessions.  

We trust you find this guide useful and please do take the opportunity to message us if you have other use cases you want us to either add or discuss using the message form below.            

Asset Design and Visualisation

Magic Leap 2 and Lowes Stores Case Study.

Software used Workshop or Sphere on the Magic Leap 2.

Huge savings not having to build run and fund a digital twin design store to test layouts.  

Engineering and Assisted Reality 

Maintenance, Repair and Operations use case

TD Williamson pipeline engineering on pressurised pipes. 

Hardware Used RealWear Navigator 500 with Simply Video XRConnect used to bring remote experts or guests into smart glasses "seeing what I see" and recording the sessions.

Attendees can use XRConnect or Microsoft Teams, Google Meet to join the smart glasses wearer on site, without the travel.

The full video is 10 minutes long and covers multiple questions from why choose the device, the software, savings, internal and external field use cases and training use cases.  


Engineering Training  

Pressurised pipelines, remote engineers in Tulsa,USA, Singapore and France. 

The training use cases are both internal subject matter experts training customer and internal engineers globally.

As well as keeping recordings from long serving engineers with a huge wealth of knowledge that have taken decades to acquire, so TD Williamson retain the human capital knowledge pool as best they can in HD Video cloud storage.

The two videos  


Engineering and Augmented Reality 

Use Case IoT Visualisation using Magic Leap 2 hardware and Akular software. 

PDF Case Study Download Here

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Engineering remote field audit and inspection  

Use Case - Senior Engineer field / site inspection  

Vuzix M400 Hardware with XRConnect video "see what I see" powershell software.

Download the CH Four Biogas Case Study Here

The savings were $70,000 per annum and the senior field engineer increase productivity from one site a week to 10 sites a week, decreasing capital funding release times and site completion times. 


These Use Cases stick to the actual use case and the assisted and augmented reality hardware used. The Software is also mentioned so you know how each use case actually got delivered. 

We have not covered in depth the Return on Investment in these use case fully which you can find in the links below, however a summary is:

In the CH Four Biogas remote expert field inspection case the Engineer gain 10X productivity and saved $70,000 per annum on travel.

In the TD Williamson Training use case in a pressurised pipeline engineering use case the remote engineers in France, Tulsa/US and Singapore saved 10's thousands of travel budget and executed the training must faster, cutting out the travel time.  

Magic Leap Download Centre Here 

Vuzix Download Centre Here

HoloLens Download Centre Here

Case Studies & product comparisons Here

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