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An Illustrated Guide - Hardware and Software options with use cases 

Videos, PDF's of Augmented reality and Assisted Reality Solutions

Manufacturing Use Cases

In this page we help you look at Use Cases a different way, we look at the type of technology that works to deliver the use cases that manufacturers want. If you'd like more use cases added then please message us.

 The Key to the use cases is understanding what is the right hardware and software partnership for each use case. Like APPs on an Iphone, APPs are being developed or adapted to work with Augmented and Assisted Reality.

And Like the Iphone, it launched with 100's of APPs, some very broad in what they did, some very focused. So this guide points you towards which software works with which hardware best for each use case.

 Use Cases covered are:-

  • Asset Design and Visualisation
  • Training 
  • Facilities Management 
  • Remote assistance 

We trust you find this guide useful and please do take the opportunity to message us if you have other use cases you want us to either add or discuss using the message form below.            

Asset Design and Visualisation

Best Hardware Option the Magic Leap 2 with its 70% wide field of view.

Best Software for 3D design and Visualisation Workshop and Sphere.  Here the guys at Magic Leap explain workshop that comes with Magic Leap 2 and its functionality to upload 2D and 3D images for group idea sessions, feedback sessions, design feedback, prototyping and to show and review work.

The second tool introduces you to sphere 


Manufacturing Training 

We'd recommend Magic Leap 2 with Sphere / Workshop Software, however as we covered that above we'll introduce you to the PBC Linear Case Study - where they had a recruitment issue - it took 6 weeks to train a new machinists, taking an experienced machinist off the production line as well.

There is a Case Study Here which shows they saved 5.7 times the cost of the Magic Leap in one new machinist.

They cut training from 6 weeks, to one day! Hows that for a 90%+ increase in productivity?

The Software used Taqtile


Training and Taqtile Software

Use Case Manufacturing at Novartis

See how the trainer builds the training module in Taqtile for the trainee to follow. Like PBC linear the trainee follows the exact instructions and relaxes on absorbing information knowing, "they are just following instructions"

The Taqtile manifest software enables the trainee to follow the training instructions in the HoloLens or Magic Leap display whilst looking at the Machine, Pressure dials, Anesthetic equipment in real time.  

Manifest Connect allows them to pull in a trainer and for them to see what the trainee sees, guide them where to look and problems solve.


Fastenal Case Study

Use Case Training 

HoloLens headset  

Taqtile Manifest software 

Watch the video on step by step instruction.


Manufacturing Facilities Management  

Use Case Facilities Management 

two use cases maintenance checks and remote expert using a Vuzix M400 smart glasses.


More useful information 

We will add to the Construction use cases continually to illustrate the Use Cases and Use Types, further detail, downloadable PDF's, Case Studies and comparative  

  • Magic Leap Download Centre Here 
  • Vuzix Download Centre Here
  • HoloLens Download Centre Here
  • Case Studies & product comparisons Here

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