How do I introduce a data on demand, advice on demand service? 

Let's explain what we mean by that first and then why it's important and how we do it.

Imagine a world where the corporate IP you have, you retained forever, no senior engineers leaving with half their experience leaving with them.

Imagine a corporate database available to any authorised employee, where they could retrieve any data on any subject instantly:

  • They are wearing smart glasses and ask for the latest drawing on a air conditioning system, it instantly appears with a simple voice command
  • They make the same request on a mobile device 
  • They are in a Teams meeting in a 3D Mesh town hall or project meeting
  • They are a new employee being inducted
  • They are a second year graduate fast tracking learning their next phase of advancement

Data on Demand (6)

The Opportunities to increase the Corporate productivity are endless IF you have the right strategy...

 What we are talking about here is fast data, on demand, to grow your corporate wisdom:

  • Accelerate decision making with all the right data 
  • Accelerate learning 
  • Retaining knowledge and corporate IP

How do you increase your companies performance?

The start of the answer is to fix employee engagement in 3D Mesh and relieve the fatigue with 2D Teams Rooms, let's explain here:

Microsoft MESH first arrives, watch the video and then see how far its accelerated in 2 years. 


What can you do in Microsoft Mesh?


Listen here to Jeremy Dalton, Head of Immersive Technologies at PWC, and Cathy Moya, Senior Customer Success Program Manager - Mesh Team at Microsoft, dive into Microsoft Mesh adoption and use cases and how virtual reality and virtual worlds can enhance collaboration and communication.


The statistics from The University of Munsters findings, see the below image: 

Image 30-07-2024 at 11.16


The key is that closeness figure, creating that tight knit pulling together one company culture - +58% is an impressive number.

Download the Full University Study Here 

So, if you want to fix engagement what 3D Mesh environments do you create?

So, if corporate performance is about engagement X productivity = performance, you have just turbocharged your entire organisation.

Now let's talk about engagement, there are plenty of studies that explain since covid, Hybrid working has actually caused an engagement issue, the above diagram points to a way to cure that.

On the top right you have your exhaustive 2D Teams meeting, but below it you have your Mesh 3D room. What's that? I hear you say, imagine Star Trek and you can hyper-space, beam yourself into a meeting, in 3D...What?

 I mean it, literally don your headset, start a Mesh session in your Meta Quest device and join a meeting in 3D from wherever you are:

  • You appear as your avatar, it won't take long for that to be real imagery
  • Your voice, tone, mannerism everything in 3D
  • The impact, instant fireside chats, instant coffee machine conversations

Engagement of your Hybrid workforce transformed to 3D anytime anywhere engagement.

Technically how you deliver a performance company?

AWS web app structural flow (3)

Corporate productivity turbo charged in your Mesh control room

Now imagine overlaid with engagement in 3D you can now access all the corporate information you want - instantly. We bring it to life with a sales and marketing control room.

 So, I want a room that my Senior Leadership Team attend and they can see all the KPI's for:

  • Sales KPI's 
  • Marketing KPI's 
  • Engineering Delivery 
  • Project Performance 
  • Cash Flow 
  • Order Book 
  • Competitor Analysis 

We call them control centres.  

Mesh Control Centre Sales & MarketingCorporate Learning Centre

Or you have a room where all your new employees go to learn in 3D , all your:

  • Corporate History 
  • Senior Leaders Profiles 
  • Graduate Learning 
  • Heads of Department Introductions 
  • All in one room, consumable in 3D

Let's talk about how we do that as that will bring it to life?

What is a Corporate Ingestion Portal?

It sounds technical but you need an ingestion portal where all your data is uploaded and structured, otherwise you will go nowhere fast.

Corporate Ingestion Portal

A Corporate Ingestion Portal, what does it look like?

What is that?

It's a place where all of the following can be uploaded and then indexed and retrieved by an Ai engine:

  • PDF's 
  • Images
  • ERP Systems
  • Transcripts 
  • Regulations
  • Learning Libraries 

The key is organising them so they are instantly retrievable, and so that information that puts the answers, video's or PDF's in context also appear. Think of a Google for your company that is restricted to your employees only. Now hear is where it it gets turbo charged.

Data on demand to every device, Meta smart glasses, mobile desktops, Frontline Workers with assisted reality glasses 

Data on Demand (6)


On Demand Access - what does it mean?

So I have my data, now I want to access it:

  • In a pair of smart glasses on a site in the middle of nowhere
  • In a 3D mesh room meeting 
  • On a mobile device 
  • In my Meta Quest 3 headset

My entire organisation can get the data it needs on demand, no waiting, no delays, finally Corporate Agility rather than "Oil Tanker".

What do I need to move to Corporate 4.0 Performance?

These are the component parts you need:

Productivity Advancement Toolkits

If you make these steps, just announcing them will transform the business.

The level of excitement is huge, but don't just read about it, try it. 

We have a limited number of Meta Quest 3 Mixed Reality (not Gaming) where we can demonstrate the Mesh Engagement Rooms.

Meta Quest 3 & Mesh Offer 

We ship the device, you demo the Mesh Rooms and Meta Quest 3

You Order a 3, 5, 10 device and Room bundle, the device is yours for free. 

The Process:

We ship you a device. (if you have a Meta Quest 3 we'll send you credentials to get into the demo)

We schedule a demonstration, in 15 minutes you will get the future of employee engagement, a quantum leap in productivity and how you will transform your business. CEO or Board Directors only apply.