Smart Glasses + AI

Lets explain a typical Smart Glasses AI use case with heavyweight consequences...

Example - Construction Industry and the Building Safety Act 2022

Situation - Three phases:

  • Design 

  • Build

  • Operation 

Smartglass and Digital AI BIM

The Health and Safety executive after Grenfell Tower now police and enforce construction delivery, signing off designs, checking adherence to designs in the build phase and making sure they are safe in the operational phase.

  • The penalty for non-compliance is 2 years jail for the Directors of any company found guilty of non-compliance.

  • The requirement to interrogate a digital Building Information Management System during all three phases of delivery.

  • Accessing digital data instantly in a site inspection wearing smart glasses.   

  • Show me the original design of the AirCon or HVAC system.

Smart Glasses and AI in the Construction Industry

magic leap smart glasses and argyle

Now take your mind to a place where your construction project has its own Siri/Alexa to interrogate:

  • Retrieve designs 

  • Documents 

  • Parts of document content 

  • Any project detail you want 

  • And its instantly in view

  • Your standing there with the Health and Safety Inspector, whose seeing the same thing in his/her smart glasses

  • Your build vs design questions answered in seconds

  • No scrambling for 2D blueprints

  • Everything is digital and retrievable

  • Your own Health and Safety folk and Site Inspection Engineers use the tool every day, so you know it works.


Vuzix-M4000 smart glasses

Smart Glasses and AI to Win Business

Imagine pitching for jobs and you use Smart Glasses and AI to demonstrate compliance capabilities.

What's your win rate going to be?

However, on the flip side, one of your competition gets there first, how's that going to feel.

Smart Glasses + AI

The Smart Glasses as an end point to consume the data

This is really just creating a simple company or project dataset that is then interrogated.

That is a huge oversimplification of a project that needs a data scientist to specify the datasets and interrogation and a project team to build those data sets so they can be interrogated in real time. 

However, in essence the smart glasses replace the laptop, leaving the wearer hands free with features such as voice commands and a camera to interrogate the data.

  • No keystrokes to enter search criteria 

  • No delay in data retrieval

  • No piecing together data from several sources

  • Just pick the size of Augmented Reality display and field of view you require. 

So, what does the Smart Glasses and AI commercial structural frame look like to build?

Smart Glasses AI Commercials

The Smart Glasses and AI Data Interrogation Commercial Model 

The components are simple enough:

  • A Data Scientist 

  • A Data Consumer 

  • A Software House  

The model is simple enough:

Design the use case and decide the datasets that serves the use case purpose. The data scientist then gets to work building the outline for sign off and then a more detailed tech brief to the software house.   

  • Then the AI tool is built in sprints and delivered to a staging environment to Test and Quality Assure.

  • The smart glasses and voice commands are then tested against the AI powered datasets to check the information flow and accuracy.

  • The visualisation is tested 

 So for Datasets where the use case is:

  • Design once , use many times then the returns are all in the productivity gains and the speed of service.

  • However, If your using it to differentiate your company when pitching for business, it's a game changer.

  • Alternatively the project could be significant in size and time to warrant the "Build Costs" offsetting the productivity gains.

Smart Glasses and AI - What Are the Components? 

Smart glasses and Large Language Models
Designing the language model 
Smart Glasses AI Knowledge Graph
Importing documents to create a knowledge graph
Smart glasses AI solution architecture
Architecting the AI solution & model
Creating a Smart Glass User Chat Model

Creating a Smart Glass User chat Model

Smart Glasses AI Compliance Check

Smart Glasses AI Compliance Check

Your Company or Project Data is instantly available to a smart glasses wearer in the field or remotely.

The productivity gains - enormous.

The business winning potential for first movers - game changing.

The carbon footprint impact of digital data replacing paper, being served to a smart glasses end point via video anywhere - huge.   

Yes, we build Smart Glasses and AI solutions - Book an Opening Discussion

Feasibility Session - Fact Find - Book here

Remote Expert Success Factors

Smart Glasses Control and Collaboration

Avoiding the mistake of disabling your smart glasses voice command flexibility and retaining the ability to collaborate - easy mistakes to avoid

More here

Key to Smart Glasses Success  (600 x 300 px)

Scale Smart Glasses Collaboration

Connect to corporate collaboration systems without disabling your smart glasses voice controls.

Maximising the connectivity to the smart glasses without reducing battery life.

More here

Connect  Scaled Impact

Scale Smart Glasses Communication

Link to multiple audiences without sacrificing the performance of your smart glasses. This is about scaling the impact of smart glasses and the business benefits, productivity hikes, travel cost reduction and carbon footprint reduction.

Whatever the Use Case:

  • Training 

  • Educating 

  • Knowledge sharing 

  • Situation diagnosis

  • Guidance

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