Optimise Smart Glasses

Smart glasses scaling your business impact

There is a clear path to follow and this page guides you how to avoid some common errors in a logical sequence and go from Pilot to scale implementation. 


3D immersive communication
Connect Smart Glass wearers to peers, colleagues to scale their impact
Connect to your existing Collaboration Tools
Practical Field Use
Smart glasses and your company AI datasets
The road to huge productivity gains, cost saving and a lower carbon footprint is clear.

Phase 1 is critical for your smart glasses performance - its like the foundation of house, get it right and your smart glasses project will be on rock solid ground.

Get it wrong and the following occurs:

  • Battery life is severely impacted 
  • That in turn impacts wearability and adoption in the field 
  • When you try to connect to corporate collaboration tools you lose key smart glasses control functions, voice command, zoom in , zoom out and torchlight.
  • When you connect to corporate collaboration tools you struggle with multiple attendees in "see what i see" use cases as their media streams stress out the smart glasses compute and battery life.

No need to change from Teams,GoogleMeet or Video Hardware, however you must connect to the the right way to not stress your smart glasses compute, battery life or the bandwidth of your network. Getting this right dramatically impacts your use case practicality.

Many projects are killed by get this wrong. 

This capability massively amplifies the use cases and the productivity of teams through accurate information delivery to point of use.

Building your AI datasets to work with smart glasses is a key project and one that can scale your business impact.  

10X productivity gains

Drastically reduced travel costs

A better carbon footprint 

A visible initiative that has a dramatic impact on global warming. 

3D immersive communication has the ability to unlock huge potential and enhance communication across a disparate workforce.

Hybrid working has removed a lot of commuting but also introduced separation.

Microsoft Mesh has massive 3D communication and educational potential that as yet organisations have not realised.

Those that do will transform the knowledge gain and communication across their organisations.

In the read more section we take you though what Microsoft Mesh is, how its solves hybrid workforce engagement rates across your company.

If you decide that you like us to help you build your MESH learning or communication centre you can talk to our technical sales or data scientists here

At the moment Smart glasses are being used in isolated enclaves, the moment you connect wearers to a wider audience , organisational scale becomes possible.

There is a crucial error awaiting the unsuspecting smart glass wearer , IT team and project sponsor. Avoiding that error is the gateway to scale, tripping over it the potential death of your pilot be it:

Remote Assistance

Remote Expert 

Remote Inspection

Remote Learning 

Navigate the pitfall successfully then you get to the holy grail, which is scaling their productivity, cost savings and carbon footprint reducing impact.

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