smart glasses Connect  Scaled Impact

Avoid the Smart Glasses Remote Expert pitfall


The key here is to understand the mistake people make and avoid it. If you don't then:

  • You lose the benefits of voice controls for the smart glass wearer in the call
  • You could also lose the benefits of someone watching wanting the wearer to zoom in or out or switch on the torchlight app   


Smart Glasses and Joining a Multiple Participant Microsoft Teams or Google Meet Call - The Right Way & Wrong Way 

smart glasses connect

The Solution is Simple and We Can Demonstrate It To You

Want to book a demonstration?

We can talk through your use case.

Recommend the right solution for your use case and budget.

Demonstrate the hardware and best way for you to connect your smart glasses to either an audience or Remote expert.

Whatever the use case, we will have delivered it before and can guide you through the pitfalls unguided folk fall into.   

Smart Glasses Scale


The Smart Glasses "Join a Collaboration Call Properly" Solution

isAvailable Now - Book Early to Avoid Disappointment or Delay.

Book a Use Case discussion call here

Buy the subscription to the software that allows the smart glasses to join using a SIP participant call here

Vuzix-M4000 smart glasses

Smart Glasses - Practical Field Use

Avoid the mistakes that:

  • Shorten smart glasses battery life
  • Disable the Voice Command capabilities 
  • Prevent zoom in/out voice commands 
  • Prevent the Torchlight app working with voice commands  

How to ensure you can empower "see what I see" or remote training, remote inspection, remote expert, remote learning use cases by avoiding the pitfalls. 

Key to Smart Glasses Success

Join your Smart Glasses to Teams Google Meet or Collaboration Sessions the Right Way 

If your solution joins the smart glasses to a Teams/Google Meet call the wrong way you will:

  • lose the smart glasses voice controls
  • disable hands free working
  • lose the ability to share content/screen share on you call  

That is a disaster for your smart glasses wearer as it destroys their practical use.

It will annoy your users and ruin the pilot feasibility. 

Smart Glasses + AI

Smart Glasses and AI

Use your company data or project data and smart glasses displays to increase productivity, here's how:

Create your database 

Choose and create your large language model

Use the smart glasses voice commands to interrogate the data and retrieve vital timely information.  

In places like construction where the data is in Building Information Management (BIM) databases this is data and efficiency that can help win business or satisfy a health and safety inspector instantly.