Find out how to add apps to Admin Centre and Meta Quest for Business devices. Plus, how to manage access to social features and allow personal accounts to be added to devices.

Add Apps

Add an app from an APK to your organisation's apps in Admin Centre

Adding an App:

  • Go to Devices in the left-hand menu of Admin Centre.

  • Click on Manage apps in the left menu.

  • Select Create app in the top-right corner.

  • Complete the form to add an app from an APK to your library, including a link to the app file.

  • Click Create to finalise.

  • Shared Mode Compatibility:

    • If you've purchased the Shared Mode add-on, the system will automatically scan any added apps for compatibility with Shared Mode. A notice will inform you about the app's compatibility. Be aware that adding an incompatible app to a Shared Mode device may cause the device to malfunction.
  • Choosing Appropriate Apps:

    • If your organisation allows users aged 13 or older (subject to local legal requirements) to use devices in Shared Mode, ensure the selected apps are suitable for all potential users.
    • Learn more about creating suitable experiences for users under 18 on Meta Quest for Business devices in Shared Mode.

Updating an App:

  • Navigate to Devices in the left menu of Admin Centre.
  • Click Manage apps in the left menu.
  • If an app update is available, you’ll see Update available next to the app's name.
  • Click Update app.
  • Enter the updated information and then click Confirm.

Deleting an App:

  • To remove an app from Admin Centre, note that this will also delete the app from all Meta Quest devices within your organisation that use it.
  • Go to Devices in the left menu of Admin Centre.
  • Click Apps in the left menu.
  • Click the options button (three dots) to the right of the app you want to delete, then select Delete app.
  • Confirm the deletion by clicking Delete.

Add third-party apps for Meta Quest for Business

Add a third-party app to your organisation's apps in Admin Centre

Accessing the App:

  • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
  • Select Discover apps from the left menu.
  • Choose the app you want to add to your organisation's apps.

Review and Add:

  • Review the app details, including system compatibility and other relevant information.

  • Click Add to your apps to include it in your organisation's apps.

  • Available Apps:

    • These may include work-related apps from the Meta Quest Store or App Lab. Be aware that App Lab apps may be experimental or in development, and may have unknown issues related to comfort or performance.

Deploying the App:

  • Once added, you can deploy the third-party app to your organisation's Meta Quest for Business devices.

Turning Off Automatic App Updates:

  • By default, third-party apps update automatically. To disable this:
    • Go to Devices in the left menu of Admin Centre.
    • Click Manage apps in the left menu.
    • Click the options button next to the third-party app and select Edit app settings.
    • Toggle off automatic updates, then click Confirm.

Invite developers to upload and share private apps

There are two ways to invite a developer in Admin Centre:

  1. Through Organisation Settings:

    • Go to Organisation settings in the left menu of Admin Centre.
    • Click Invite next to "Invite developer to upload and share private apps."
  2. Through Device Management:

    • Click Devices in the left menu of Admin Centre.
    • Select Manage apps in the left menu.
    • Click the button next to Create app, then choose From developer.
  3. Sending the Invitation:

    • Enter the developer's email address.
    • Decide whether to share your organisation key at the same time. The key will be sent in a separate email, and is necessary for developers to share private apps with your Admin Centre.
    • If you prefer to share the key later, go to Organisation settings in the left menu, then click Generate key. You can copy this key and share it with the developer at your convenience.
    • Click Send to complete the invitation.

    Developers can verify the invitation by entering your organisation key on the Meta Quest Developer Centre, which allows them to share private apps with your Admin Centre.

Accepting a Private App Invitation from a Developer

When a developer shares an app to your Admin Centre, you must accept it:

  1. Notification:

    • Check your notifications in Admin Centre.
    • Alternatively, go to Devices in the left menu, then click Manage apps to see pending invitations at the top of the page.
  2. Accepting the Invitation:

    • Click on the invitation notification to review app details.
    • Click Add to accept the invitation.

    If you have the Shared Mode add-on, any newly added apps will be scanned for compatibility. A notice will alert you if an app is incompatible with Shared Mode, as using an incompatible app on a Shared Mode device may cause issues.

Add apps to devices and device profiles

  1. Navigate to Devices:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left-hand menu.
  2. Select Device or Device Profile:

    • To add an app to an independently configured device, click the device's name.
    • To add an app to a device profile, click Device profiles in the left menu, then select the name of the device profile.
  3. Manage Apps:

    • Go to the Apps tab.
    • Click Manage apps.
    • Choose the apps you want to add, then click Confirm.
  4. Shared Mode Compatibility:

    • If adding apps to a Shared Mode device or profile, they will be scanned for compatibility with Shared Mode. A notice will inform you of any compatibility issues. Adding an incompatible app may cause the device to malfunction.
  5. App Access for Users:

    • Users in your organisation can find the added apps under the For work tab in the App Library on their headset.
  6. If App Installation Fails:

    • Learn what steps to take if an app installation does not succeed.

Choosing Appropriate Apps

  • If your organisation allows users aged 13 or older (subject to local legal requirements) to use devices in Shared Mode, ensure that the apps selected are suitable for all users.
  • For guidance on creating appropriate experiences for users under 18 on a Meta Quest for Business device in Shared Mode, refer to the relevant resources.

Required Apps

  • Required apps are automatically downloaded during device setup and are essential for the device's functionality.
  • To view all apps on a device, click on the device name in Managed devices, then go to the Apps tab.

Selecting a Single-App Experience for Shared Mode Devices

  • When you choose a single-app experience for Shared Mode devices, the selected app will automatically launch after the initial setup steps are completed.

Retry failed app installations

Retrying Failed App Installations from Your Apps Library

  1. Access the Manage Apps Section:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left-hand menu.
    • Select Manage apps in the left menu.
  2. Identify and Retry Failed Installations:

    • In the Installs column next to the app, click on the text indicating the installation status (e.g., "2 of 3").
    • Hover over the Failed status icon for more information about why the installation failed and where else you can retry the installation.
    • Click Retry failed installations to attempt the installation again.

Retrying Failed App Installations on Devices or Device Profiles

  1. Navigate to Devices or Device Profiles:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left-hand menu.
    • To retry for an independently configured device, click the device's name.
    • To retry for a device profile, click Device profiles in the left menu, then select the relevant device profile.
  2. Retry Failed Installations:

    • Go to the Apps tab.
    • For independently configured devices, click the retry icon (...), or for device profiles, click Retry failed installations.

Understanding Why an App Installation May Fail

  • In Admin Centre, you can hover over the status icon in the Status column of the failed app to get more details on why the installation failed. Common reasons include:
    • The APK file is corrupt or invalid.
    • The package name provided does not match the package name of the APK file.
    • The SHA256 hash pr

Manage apps

Upload logos and icons to private apps in Admin Centre

Requirements for App Logos and Icons

  • App Logos:

    • Must have a transparent background.
    • Resolution: Minimum 360x360px, Maximum 9000x1440px.
    • Format: 32-bit PNG.
  • App Icons:

    • Must have a 1:1 aspect ratio.
    • Resolution: 512x512px.
    • Format: 32-bit PNG.
  • Design Guidelines:

    • Ensure logos and icons comply with Meta Quest Store asset design guidelines.

Adding a Logo or Icon to a Private App

You can add a logo or icon when first adding a private app to Admin Centre. To add or update the logo or icon for an existing private app:

  1. Access the App:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left-hand menu.
    • Select Manage apps in the left menu.

  2. Edit App Settings:

    • Click the options button (...) next to the app and select Edit app settings.

  3. Upload Logo or Icon:

    • Click Upload under App icon or Logo.
    • Select the file from your computer.
    • Click Confirm to save your changes.

Single app experience for devices in Shared Mode

Enabling a Single-App Experience

  1. Navigate to Devices:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left-hand menu.
  2. Select the Device or Device Profile:

    • If you're enabling the single-app experience for an independently configured device in Shared Mode, click on the device's name.
    • If you're enabling it for a Shared Mode device profile, click Device profiles in the left menu, then select the desired profile.
  3. Configure Single-App Experience:

    • Go to the Device experience tab.
    • Click on Single-app experience.
    • Toggle the switch next to Launch selected app automatically to enable the feature.
  4. Select an App:

    • If no apps have been added yet, you'll be prompted to add one.
    • Choose your desired app from the dropdown menu, then click Save.


    Note that once you enable the single-app experience, any other apps previously available on the device or device profile will no longer be accessible.

View app insights for Meta Quest for Business

Viewing App Insights in Admin Centre

  1. Access App Insights:

    • In Admin Centre, click Insights in the left-hand menu.
    • Select Apps in the left menu.

Available App Insights:

    • Apps in Organisation: Displays the total number of apps available in your organisation, regardless of their installation or usage status on devices.
    • Device Installs: Shows the total number of devices that have a particular app installed.
    • Devices with Monthly Active Apps: Indicates the total number of devices that have had at least one app in use within the last 28 days.
    • Total App Installs: Reflects the total number of apps installed across all devices in your organisation.
    • Install Status: A chart illustrating the installation status of apps on devices in your organisation. Hover over the information icon next to Install status for details on the categories. Click Manage app installs to identify apps that have not been installed and learn how to retry failed installations.
    • Time in Apps: Shows the total time spent in all managed apps across all devices within a selected time frame. You can adjust the time frame and filter by device model, app name, and device mode.
    • Most Used Apps: Lists the most commonly used apps based on time spent per app across all devices within a selected time frame. Filters are available for time frame, device model, app name, and device mode.
    • App Usage Over Time: A graph displaying total app usage over time across all managed devices. You can adjust the time frame and filter by device model, device groups, and device mode. To view the usage of specific apps, use the drop-down menu next to Show and select the apps you want to track.

Exporting Insights:

    • You can export these insights as a CSV or XLSX file for further analysis.

Flag Apps

Flag a Meta Quest for Business app

Reporting Content Issues

Report Inappropriate Content or Conduct:

    • Use the Inappropriate Content or Conduct Form to report an app that violates Content Guidelines or includes inappropriate conduct, such as bullying, harassment, or promoting violence.

Report Unlawful Content:

    • Use the Unlawful Content Reporting Form on the Meta site to flag an app with content that contravenes local laws.

Report Copyright or IP Infringement:

    • To report an app that infringes on your intellectual property rights, send an email to or mail your report to:
      • Designated Agent
        Meta Platforms, Inc.
        1601 Willow Road
        Menlo Park, CA 94025
      • Phone: +1 (650) 543-4800
      • Email:

Manage device permissions

Enable or disable Meta Quest Store access for devices

Editing Meta Quest Store Access

For Device Profiles:

  1. Navigate to Device Profiles:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
    • Select Device profiles.
  2. Edit Profile Settings:

    • Click on the device profile you wish to edit.
    • Click Edit next to Device permissions.
  3. Adjust Meta Quest Store Access:

    • Toggle Allow managed accounts to download and purchase apps from the Meta Quest Store to turn this permission on or off.
    • Click Confirm.

    These changes will apply to all devices using this profile.

For Independently Configured Devices:

  1. Navigate to Managed Devices:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
    • Select Managed devices.
  2. Edit Device Settings:

    • Click on the device you want to edit.
    • Go to the Details tab.
    • Click Edit next to Device permissions.
  3. Adjust Meta Quest Store Access:

    • Toggle Allow managed accounts to download and purchase apps from the Meta Quest Store to enable or disable this permission.
    • Click Confirm.

Enable or disable social features and interactions for devices 

Editing Access to Social Features

For Device Profiles:

  1. Navigate to Device Profiles:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
    • Select Device profiles.
  2. Edit Profile Settings:

    • Click on the device profile you want to edit.
    • Click the Edit icon next to Device permissions.
  3. Adjust Social Features Access:

    • Toggle Allow access to Meta social features and interactions on managed accounts to enable or disable this permission.
    • Click Save.

    These changes will apply to all devices using this profile.

For Independently Configured Devices:

  1. Navigate to Managed Devices:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
    • Select Managed devices.
  2. Edit Device Settings:

    • Click on the device you want to edit.
    • Go to the Details tab.
    • Click the Edit icon next to Device permissions.
  3. Adjust Social Features Access:

    • Toggle Allow access to Meta social features and interactions on managed accounts to turn this permission on or off.
    • Click Save

Enable adding personal Meta accounts to Meta Quest for Business devices.

Enabling or Disabling Personal Accounts

For Device Profiles:

  1. Access Device Profiles:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
    • Select Device profiles.
  2. Edit Profile Settings:

    • Click on the device profile you want to modify.
    • Click Edit next to Device permissions.
  3. Adjust Personal Accounts Setting:

    • Toggle Allow people in your organisation to create or add personal accounts to enable or disable this permission.
    • Click Confirm.

    These settings will apply to all devices associated with this profile.

For Independently Configured Devices:

  1. Access Managed Devices:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
    • Select Managed devices.
  2. Edit Device Settings:

    • Click on the device you want to adjust.
    • Go to the Details tab.
    • Click Edit next to Device permissions.
  3. Adjust Personal Accounts Setting:

    • Toggle Allow people in your organisation to create or add personal accounts to enable or disable this permission.
    • Click Confirm.

Adding Another Account to Your Device

  1. Open the Universal Menu:

    • Hover over the clock on the left side of the universal menu to reveal Quick Settings.
    • Select Quick Settings to open the panel.
  2. Access Account Settings:

    • Click the Settings gear icon.
    • Choose Accounts.
  3. Add a New Account:

    • Click Add account in the top right.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to set up the new account on your headset.

Enable or disable casting from Meta Quest for Business devices

Editing Access to Casting

For Device Profiles:

  1. Navigate to Device Profiles:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
    • Select Device profiles.
  2. Edit Profile Settings:

    • Click on the device profile you want to modify.
    • Click Edit next to Device permissions.
  3. Adjust Casting Access:

    • Toggle Allow people in your organisation to cast from their device to enable or disable this permission.
    • Click Save.

    This setting will apply to all devices using this profile.

For Independently Configured Devices:

  1. Navigate to Managed Devices:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
    • Select Managed devices.
  2. Edit Device Settings:

    • Click on the device you wish to adjust.
    • Go to the Details tab.
    • Click Edit next to Device permissions.
  3. Adjust Casting Access:

    • Toggle Allow people in your organisation to cast from their device to enable or disable this permission.
    • Click Save.

Change the Meta Quest for Business casting link for your organisation

Viewing or Changing the Casting Link for Your Organisation

  1. Access Casting Settings:

    • In Admin Centre, click Devices in the left menu.
    • Select Casting from the left-hand menu.
  2. Edit the Casting Link:

    • Click Edit next to the Casting link for your organisation.
  3. Update the URL:

    • Customise the URL as needed.
    • Tick the box to confirm your understanding that this update will apply the new casting link to the entire organisation.
    • Click Save.

    Note: Ensure the URL is unique, not too long, and does not contain unsupported characters.